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Source code in typingref/
class TypeHinter:
    def __init__(
        type: Any,
        of_type: tuple["TypeHinter", ...] = (),
        self.type = type
        self.of_type = of_type

    def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, TypeHinter):
            return False

        if not self.type == other.type:
            return False

        return all(child == other.of_type[count] for count, child in enumerate(self.of_type))

    def from_string(cls, tp: str, ns: dict) -> "TypeHinter":
        from typing import List, Union, Dict, Optional, Any, Type, get_type_hints  # noqa

        ns = ns.copy()

        def tmp(t: tp):  # type: ignore
            ...  # pragma: no cover

        annotation = get_type_hints(tmp, localns=ns, globalns=globals())["t"]

        return cls.from_annotation(annotation)

    def from_annotation(cls, tp: Any, ns: Optional[dict] = None) -> "TypeHinter":
        # future annotation
        ns = ns if ns else {}
        if isinstance(tp, str):
            return TypeHinter.from_string(tp, ns)
        if isinstance(tp, ForwardRef):
            return TypeHinter.from_string(tp.__forward_arg__, ns)
        if args := get_args(tp):
            # handle optional
            if type(None) in args:
                # optional union, 2 is default for optionals
                if len(args) > 2:
                    return cls(
                                    cls.from_annotation(arg, ns)
                                    for arg in args
                                    if arg is not type(None)
                return cls(type=Optional, of_type=(cls.from_annotation(args[0], ns),))
            new_args: list[TypeHinter] = []
            for arg in args:
                new_args.append(cls.from_annotation(arg, ns))

            return cls(type=get_origin(tp), of_type=tuple(new_args))  # type: ignore
        return cls(type=tp)

    def as_annotation(self, object_map: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None) -> Any:
        if self.type is str:
            return self.type
        # eval forward refs
        if isinstance(self.type, str):
            assert object_map, "can't evaluate forward refs without object_map."
            self.type = object_map[self.type]

        if builder := getattr(
            getattr(self.type, "__getitem__", None),
            if self.is_union():
                return builder(tuple(arg.as_annotation(object_map) for arg in self.of_type))
            return builder(self.of_type[0].as_annotation(object_map))
        return self.type

    def stringify(self) -> str:
        annot = self.as_annotation()
        if inspect.isclass(annot) and not hasattr(annot, "__origin__"):
            return annot.__name__

        return str(annot).replace("typing.", "").replace("qtgql.codegen.utils.", "")

    def is_union(self) -> bool:
        return self.type is Union

    def is_optional(self) -> bool:
        return self.type in (Optional, type(Optional))

    def is_list(self) -> bool:
        return self.type in (list, List)

    def strip_optionals(cls, inst: "TypeHinter") -> "TypeHinter":
        th = inst
        if inst.is_optional():
            th = inst.of_type[0]

        return cls(type=th.type, of_type=tuple(cls.strip_optionals(tp) for tp in th.of_type))

    def __repr__(self):  # pragma: no cover
        if self.of_type:
            return f"{self.type}[{', '.join([repr(t) for t in self.of_type])}]]"
        return f"{self.type}"